How To Live Longer

by Jennifer Kornegay

Nobody lives forever, but you can add some time to your ledger and help ensure you remain healthy and active for more of your years with these simple-to-implement steps to take and habits to create.

Since man came to understand his own mortality, the human race has been looking for a way to cheat death. For hundreds of years, explorers searched in vain for a fountain of youth. In just the last century, “snake oil” salesmen traveled our country peddling miracle tonics that promised to help you put off meeting your maker. Today, scientists and doctors look for cures and treatments to stop various diseases from killing us. While the current pursuits of the best and brightest minds in healthcare are needed and laudable, the fact remains, we will all expire at some point. But there are plenty of preventative measures we can all take on our own that can extend our life and keep us healthier for more of our time here on earth.

You likely can’t completely rid your life of stress, but you can learn how to cope with it in better ways. Stress itself isn’t what wrecks your health and wellbeing. It’s your view of it and reaction to it that are truly the issues. The key is to reframe short-term stress and see it as something we all deal with — thus, somewhat inevitable — but something you know you are prepared to face and able to tackle. By seeing stress as manageable, you’re more than halfway to making it just that. With this perspective shift, some health professionals claim you can transform the raw power of short-term stress into a positive. Treated this way, stress can actually be energizing and motivating. It can boost your memory, even improve your immune system response. There is a distinction between short-term stress and chronic stress. Ongoing stress or holding onto what could be (should be) short-term stress can bring on unchecked anxiety and even depression. There are multiple techniques, including meditation and mindfulness, to deal with this unhealthy stress. Take the time to explore them and find what works for you.

We all know by now that routine exercise is good for our physical and mental health. But as we get older, an injury can sideline us from not just our workout but other daily activities too and lead to a whole host of other health problems. That’s why it’s essential to implement proactive measures to avoid a serious sprain, muscle tear or bone break. First, periodically evaluate your exercise plan and modify it if needed. An effective workout for you may no longer include a long, grueling session at the gym. Second, don’t forget to include activities and movements that increase your muscle mass; staving off muscle loss goes a long way in preventing injury. Third, consistency is key: Look for ways to stretch and stay active in small ways throughout your day, particularly if you have a sedentary job. Take regular short breaks from sitting at a desk or computer by taking a short walk every few hours.

While most of us would love to live longer — it’s why you’re reading this article — to do it, you have to endure getting older. But that’s ok. Aging isn’t a scary concept if you age well. Take the tips above to heart, and you’ll be on a better path to accomplish it.

Having a reason to get up and go is motivating, but this applies to more than the event or
activity you have waiting for you on any particular day. Feeling that you have a reason for being alive contributes to a happier and healthier life. Not sure what your purpose is? Then clear your calendar and make figuring that out a priority. But remember, fulfillment isn’t a one-size-fits-all sentiment; it’s highly personal. And, it comes from different sources at different times in our lives. There doesn’t have to be a constant. Ask yourself: What do you love doing? What activities are rewarding? What are your strong suits and talents? Who do you love? Often, some combination of the things that come to mind when you pose these queries can point you in the right direction.

If you’re always and only
thinking of yourself, you’ll stay drained. It may sound counter-intuitive, but the more you think about and serve others, the more fulfilled you’ll feel. See above for why fulfillment is integral to good health and longer life.

Surrounding yourself with
good friends — people who challenge, encourage and support you —is vital to wellbeing, which is crucial for a long life. Strong social ties contribute to our sense of purpose too, so they help you achieve No. 3 on our list. And loneliness is a life- sucker for sure. The best way to fight that is to hold onto old friends as often as you can, and never stop making new ones.

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