Real Life Tips to Health
by Jennifer Kornegay

Did you make a list of things you’d like to change in your life in 2023? Is one of them to get and stay healthier? Whether you set that goal down as a formal New Year’s resolution or it’s a wish you’ve had (but not worked hard on attaining) for a while now, we’ve got some good news: If you break it down into an item-by-item itinerary, you’ll see that the journey to good health is easier to complete than you might think.
Use these 10 “real life” tips from Lita Chatham, MS, RDN, LD, Assistant Director of The Alabama Department of Public Health’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Division, as your roadmap. And remember, you don’t have to make the entire trip in one day, week, month or even year. The key is continuing to make small changes that move you forward toward your goals at your pace.
Broaden your definition of health.
What does "healthy" mean to you? Consider not just your body, but your mind and spirit too, and write down the forms of actual and metaphorical nourishment — people, places, activities and more — that make you feel and perform at your best.
Focus on healthy behaviors rather than the scale.
Again, think beyond your physical body when you think about being healthy. Your worth is not defined by pounds or inches!
Be wary of clever marketing.
The diet industry is a $71 BILLION industry that’s built on pushing people to try the next new diet that’s sure to make you “lose weight quickly and easily.” Many of them are fads and only temporary fixes. Some can be dangerous and detrimental to your health. And if you’re only focused on your weight, you’re not seeing your entire health picture.
Challenge negative self-talk.
We are often our own harshest critics, and how you talk to and about yourself matters. You can put yourself in a negative mindset that ends up reinforcing the habits or behavior you want to change. Instead, when you’re tempted to bad-mouth you, ask yourself, how would you talk to a friend struggling with something? Be your own best friend and fill yourself with the encouraging and supportive advice and info you’d give someone else.
Get back to the basics
Healthy eating is the foundation of overall wellness. And it isn't complicated. Commit to these five principals. Eat:
- More whole grains
- More fruits and veggies
- More heart-healthy fats
- More lean meat and plant protein
- More low-fat (replacing full-fat) dairy
Hydrate with water.
Many Americans don’t drink enough water, and it’s an essential element our bodies need to thrive, so it’s key to make drinking water a part of your daily routine. But, you don’t have to ONLY drink water. Don't deprive yourself of other beverages you enjoy!
Be active in a way that feels good to you.
Physical activity is good for your body, and it also boosts your mood and strengthens mental health. But if you’re not into formal exercise classes or “working out,” no problem. How you move isn’t as important as moving more and moving often. Find something you like to do and make it a habit. If you enjoy it, it will be easier to stay at it.
Diversify who you follow on social media.
An open mind and the willingness to consider other perspectives lead to stronger, healthier relationships and life-long learning, both of which contribute to wellbeing and happiness. If you spend any amount of time on social media, don’t get stuck interacting with only the people who look and think like you. Make a point to explore some new voices. Expose yourself to different shapes, sizes, races, ethnicities and backgrounds.
Focus on small, sustainable changes.
Doing many small things often is more effective than doing one big thing occasionally!
Consistency over perfection.
Balance what your HEAD and your HEART want, and give yourself a break! Eliminate the black and white thinking that can lead us to judge and derail the positive changes we have made. Remember, good health is a journey!